Wash day (Once a week): I will take my hair out of the style that it was in during the week. At this point I will determine if I will do a pre-poo or if I will just go straight to washing. If I do a pre-poo I will either use a foil shower cap or my huetiful steamer because heat helps to allow the oil penetrate the strands.
Detangling: I will use a "cheapie" conditioner to detangle my hair and to remove any shed hair. My hair will then go into about 12 two strand twists and the twists will stay in while washing.
Shampoo: I will wash my hair and use the pads of my fingers to massage and shampoo my scalp only. When I rinse my hair out the shampoo will run down my strands and the product build up will be removed in that way. I will always use a sulfate-free shampoo.
Deep Condition: I will DC every time I wash my hair. I will apply a deep conditioner and either steam my hair with my Huetiful steamer or use my Heat therapy Wrap for thirty minutes to an hour.
Styling: I will use a leave-in conditioner of my choice, as of recently it has been Karen's Body Beautiful Sweet Ambrosia in Vanilla Latte. I will seal in the moisture with my shea butter mixture and do a two strand twist for the week. I used to only wear twist outs, but since the heat damage I have been mostly doing protective styles.
Trimming: Before my heat damage, I will trim when my hair is creating a lot of knots, the ends look frazzled or I am having a hard time detangling. Now that I am transitioning (again) I am trimming off the damaged ends every three months.
Protein Treatment: Every 3 months I will do an Aphogee Treatment. (Now that I have heat damage, it is less frequent)
Henna: Ever so often I will do a Henna treatment, for color purposes. Henna does have benefits for the hair, such as making curls more defined and adding shine.
Thank you for reading!