Tonight I am actually sitting here, sorting through all of my products and trying to figure out what I can throw away, give away, or use up. I have a lot of products that I have used once and didn't like the first time around. ALOT of samples. And some products are half way completed but then I smell them and I wondered,
"Are these hair products still good to use??!!"
But now I am actually nervous to use these products, because I am afraid I will get a terrible reaction to them if the ingredients expired. And one thing with me is that I like to hoard, I also use products that I love slowly, like every two months so I don't them up quickly. This doesn't mean I am going to stop buying products, this only means that when I get a new product I will try to use it all before moving on to the next one.
So for my next wash day, I have already lined up products to use so I can throw them away. I have also made a promise to myself to use one set of products for a full month to cut down on my stash.
Do any of you have any of these issues? or Do you throw away your products after a certain time?
Thank you for reading!
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